trading software

Data Transfer Utility Support


Technical Issues

Yes, but only the version 3.0 data format. The current TC2000 version provides a "smart export" that will export version 4.0 data to version 3.0 data. After that is complete you can then use DTU to import the version 3.0 data into TradingExpert.

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No, DTU does not support the Metastock file format. DTU does support ASCII, .csv and TC2000 version 3.0 file formats.

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Yes, DTU does support a 4-digit year format. You just need to choose (from within the DTU program) the date formats that contain YY and it will work.

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This will occur if the Trading Expert program has been installed in a directory like Program Files\Wintes32. The program needs to be installed to Wintes32 in order for DTU to work correctly.

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