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do I stop my registration from expiring?
TradingExpert Pro users electing the myTrackPro data service, are not required to obtain key numbers from AIQ. Your system will remain active as long as you are a subscriber to the myTrack data service, and at least once every 30 days you launch either AIQ Quotes, Rtalerts, pull up a realtime ticker in AIQ Charts, or perform an end of day download. To see how many days you have remaining, bring up the AIQ menu bar. Then click Help, and then About. The number of days remaining on the registration is displayed in this window. If your system has expired please contact AIQ at 1-800-332-2999. We will need the registration number which can be found by opening the Main Menu, then click on Applications, Registration, click Yes to the message 'Do you wish to obtain a key number'. You may also e-mail AIQ at support@aiqsystems.com or by going to myTrack chat channel 7. You can get updated list files from www.aiqsystems.com/lists.htm. Below are the steps needed to get TradingExpert from one computer to another. 1. Backup or copy the entire \wintes32 folder from the old computer. 2. Run a compact install for TradingExpert on the new computer. 3. Restore the backup or copy the files to the new computer. 4. If you are using the myTrack data service you'll need to launch myTrack. You will be prompted with the question "New" or "Existing"? Choose "Existing" and enter your myTrack username and password. 5. You may need to call AIQ at 800-332-2999 to get a new key number if the icons on the main menu are gray. 6. Go to www.aiqsystems.com and run the upgrade to the current version. TradingExpert is not supported in a network environment. You can get OBM and EDS samples at www.aiqsystems.com/tipshint.htm. Give the AIQ sales group a call at 800-332-2999. Or, subscribe to the free online users group at Yahoo Groups.
- Click on Start, Run (or Start
and in the search box), Type Regedit.
- Double click Regedit to start the Registry Editor. - Double click H-Key Local Machine. - Double click Software. - Double click WoWxxxNode. - Double click AIQ Systems. - Double click TradingExpert 32. - Highlight Registration and then press the Delete key on your keyboard. Close the Windows Registry, right click on the TradingExpert Pro main menu and choose Run As Administrator. The icons should auto-refresh. If you are not a myTrack customer, give Barbara a call at 800-332-2999 to get a new key, or click on Applications, Registration and email us (support@aiqsystems.com) the Registration number.
Go to www.aiqsystems.com/DAO/DAO.htm and run the install for DAO. That should clear up the problem. Go to www.trackdata.com and run the install for myTrack. Then, do the install for TradingExpert.
Yes, go to http://www.aiqsystems.com/EDSTutorial.htm . This page has tutorials for every level of EDS user.
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