Trading Strategies by Top Analysts and Traders
Style Index Rotation Strategy
Instead of being locked into one Trading style, it is best to employ a strategy that has the flexibility to rotate to the best performing market segment. That’s what our Style Index strategy is all about.
The Style Index strategy trades securities that track various market indexes. These “style” indexes include large-cap growth, large-cap value, small-cap growth, small-cap value, and so forth. How effective is the strategy?
The Style Index
Rotation Strategy
Using Exchange Traded Funds by David Vomund "Trading style indexes allows investors to gain well-diversified exposure to a specific area of the market. Since an ETF holds a basket of stocks, one bad performer has only a minimal effect on the ETF price.”
The MAPS System
Pullback systems have been popular for a long time and are based on the observation that trends tend to continue, and pullbacks in the trend offer a defined risk entry. Pullback systems based on up trends generally work best in a bullish market environment, and should usually be avoided in a bearish market. Pullback systems based on down trending stocks generally work best in bearish markets and should be avoided in bullish markets. How effective is the strategy?
The MAPS System
Moving Average Pullback System by Steve Palmquist "Pullback systems have been popular for a long time and are based on the observation that trends tend to continue, whether bullish or bearish and that pullbacks in the trend offer a defined risk entry.”
The Best of Times, Worst of Times
The strategy is designed to take advantage of industry group rotation employing both strong and weak group analysis. The Best of Times involves buying stocks from groups that are already moving up. The Worst of Times involves buying stocks from groups that have declined over a longer period of time, and are then set to reemerge as leading performers. How effective is the strategy?
The Best of Times Worst of Times
by Jay Kaeppel "The overall portfolio involves buying and holding 10 industry groups at a time, 5 weak and 5 strong using baskets of stocks from each group."
The Efficient stocks Strategy |
Efficient stocks are stocks that are moving up without a lot of volatility in a steady and consistent manner. The Strategy looks at the change in price over four different time periods and then divides that change in price by the average true range over the same periods. The average of the four different efficiencies gives you the best overall efficiency.
The Efficient
stocks Strategy
by Dr. Van K. Tharp "Efficient stocks are stocks that are moving up without a lot of volatility. The screen averages four different efficiencies from 180 days to 20 days. That actually gives you the best overall efficiency."
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