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Alerts Support

Alerts Technical Issues

In RTAlerts, Click on File, Service Setup. Type in the maximum number of days to display in realtime charts, and/or historical charts, in the section labeled Charts. Note: 30 days is the maximum for realtime charts.

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In RTAlerts, Click on File, Service Setup. Put a check in "Only Show Data during defined Market Hours".

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How do I add Alerts?

In RTAlerts, click on File, Alert properties. Click on Edit Alerts. Enter the Alert Code in the Alert Code box, or click on Rule Wizard to add Alert Code.

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Can I add custom indicators?

Yes. In RTAlerts, click on File, Indicator Properties, Custom Indicators. Click on Add, choose the Plot Type, click next. Give the indicator a description and choose the UDF you want to plot. You can also choose whether to plot the indicator on the price plot.

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How do I configure sounds for the Alerts?

In RTALerts, click on File, Alert Properties. Right click on the Alert, choose Add Sound. Choose the .wav file you want associated with the Alert. Do the same for each alert you have enabled.

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How can I add a Price Alert?

Price Alerts are achieved by adding trendlines to the charts. Follow these steps to active a Trendline Alert:
1. Right click on a chart. Choose draw attributes. Draw the trendline.
2. Click on file, Alert Properties. Edit the Alerts.
3. Add the following to the Alert Code:
! Alert me if the last trade of a price bar breaks through my trendline to the downside
TrendlineBreakDn if TrendlineBreakout() < 0.
! Alert me if the last trade of a price bar breaks through my trendline to the upside
TrendlineBreakUp if TrendlineBreakout() > 0.
4. Enable the Alerts.

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