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The Weighted Action list looks back 10 days to find the ER that is shown on the report. So, while looking at the chart, use the left arrow and click back, the ER will have happened sometime in the last 10 days.

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The group reports need to be generated at the same time as the stock reports in order for the Group column to appear in the Stock reports.

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Click on report, global properties and place a check on Compute Access.

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It is not unusual at all to have the Market Log Access plot disagree with the market section, or the group rotation. In fact, that's more common than not. The Market log is set up to give a complete look into all areas that WinWay has found that give market insight. The Access log looks at all the stocks in your system and determines for each indicator, positive or negative. The arrows correspond to the percentage of all the stock that are positive or negative. Since breadth usually leads the market, this is considered a early warning or anticipatory indication of what might come. The market plot section simply looks at the current conditions of the DJIA market indicators. This generally is slightly early to slightly lagging current market conditions. The Sector rotation is built on Trend Score, which by nature tries to determine strength of trend and therefore is more of a lagging, or confirming indication.

The proper way of using the Market log is a combination view of: 1. Getting an early indication that the current market direction may change with a shift in the Access plot. 2. Then within a few days the market plot shows a change. 3. Full confirmation with Sector rotation. Also in the Market log are the U.S. , WAL and GS, and DTS. US and WAL tend to be a 1,2 early warning, (Values of 75 or greater) and day to day changes in TS and DTS also provide a good indication to internal changes.

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The way the Access plot is calculated is as follows: The database is defined by using the Master Ticker List (All the stocks in the data base) or any list structure including group sector list structures. This is set in the global parameter of reports. For each stock, all indicators as listed, are calculated and then summarized as the percentage of stocks with increasing values for these indicators. The arrows are a graphical representation of that summary.

What this all means is that the Access was devised as a breadth indication of your personal data base. We look at what is happening internally with the indicators of every stock. This tells us is the participation, or lack of participation of all the stock's you are following. Like some of the Breadth indicators for markets, this can be a powerful tool, looking for divergences at market tops and bottoms. Market log and the Access plot don't tell you much by looking at it for one day. It is a report that you must look at daily, comparing it to the changes to 3-4 day, this helps to get a feel for current market conditions and changes. You can optimize and change the market log during "different" market conditions Create a Narrower list of 200-700 stocks that are the major movers in the current market and watch participation within this narrower group.

Divergences that show up may not be as dramatic or apparent, but will have more meaning in that these stocks have been the darlings, and if they are not participating, then something is wrong. Broaden your approach. Keep the same database, but look for extreme changes.

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Go to and run the install for DAO.

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This is a result of mismatched report files. To correct the error delete all files from \wintes32\rptcopy and \wintes32\rptdata. Then, run the install from the web for 7.0 again.

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If you are using myTrack to retrieve data, please go to , this will clear up the problem.  If you are using version 6.0 of TradingExpert and a different data service than myTrack, please go to and download this file to your computer. Double click the file to extract the needed files to clear up the problem.

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